Petronila and San Fernando Creeks WPP Implementation

Principal Investigator

HRI and TAMU-CC will lead efforts to engage watershed stakeholders in the implementation of the Watershed Protection Plan (WPP). The project team, with leadership from the watershed coordinator, will continue working with key stakeholders and partner agencies to facilitate implementation activities outlined in the WPP. The watershed coordinator will serve as the point of contact with landowners, citizens, and entities to facilitate WPP implementation.

As part of this project, HRI will coordinate with the Baffin Bay Stakeholder Group and other stakeholders to seek input and recommendations on needed activities and educational programs in the watershed and continue to support WPP implementation efforts. HRI will also assist stakeholders in securing resources to implement management measures to improve water quality and acquire resources to enable implementation and work with state and federal agencies, as appropriate, to bring technical and financial assistance to the watershed.

Education and outreach will play a large role in the WPP's success. This project will focus strongly on continuing to provide educational opportunities to stakeholders regarding management strategies that can reduce nonpoint source pollution. Outreach and education coordination efforts by the watershed coordinator and project partners will facilitate and support public participation by private individuals and local officials during implementation.

Activities may include but are not limited to developing publications, factsheets, website content, short videos and other materials to promote and communicate watershed pollution prevention efforts. Additionally, the watershed coordinator will coordinate and conduct water resources education and outreach efforts across the watershed in collaboration with existing groups. Delivery of existing educational programs such as the Riparian and Stream Ecosystem Training, Lone Star Healthy Streams, Texas Watershed Stewards and Texas Well Owner Network and various other programs will also take place.